Coding in Swift would be much easier if the damned IDE (the only one that you can use for it today) would actually work when editing Swift code.
As it stands, however, Xcode regularly tries to compile while you're halfway through writing a symbol and then leaves the error up there for minutes at a time until you manually tell it to re-build the file. Then if you do something unexpected like actually delete something and then type something new then the syntax highlighting (and general language-based parsing) get boned all to hell and give you nonsense like this:
Even worse is that SourceKit is perma-boned somehow after this so things like option-delete to kill a word wind up removing either half a symbol or the current one and part of the one previous. To get it back you have to close the file and re-open it.
This is Xcode 6.1. Release. Not beta.
This shipped.
Perhaps escaped is a better verb.